Feeling faint with pregnancy

Feeling faint with pregnancy

You may often feel faint when you are pregnant. This is because of hormonal changes taking place in your body and happens if your brain is not getting enough blood and therefore enough oxygen.
If your oxygen level gets too low, you may actually faint. You are most likely to feel faint if you stand still for too long or get up too quickly from a chair or out of a hot bath.
It can also happen when you are lying on your back.

How to avoid feeling faint
• Try to get up slowly after sitting or lying down.

• If you feel faint when standing still, find a seat quickly and the feeling should pass. If it doesn’t, lie down on your side.

• If you feel faint while lying on your back, turn on your side.

It is advisable not to lie flat on your back at any time in later pregnancy or during labour.



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