what is Intra Uterine Insemination IUI

IUI is a simple office procedure that places sperm, collected from the partner and processed in the laboratory, into the uterine cavity
The “washing” of sperm in the lab removes seminal fluid and concentrates the sperm
Placing the sperm higher into the uterine cavity bypasses the cervix and makes the passage to the fallopian tubes much shorter. The goal is to increase the chance that more sperm will encounter the egg
Who Can Benefit from IUI

IUI can help couples when:

-There are minor abnormalities in the sperm analysis such as concentration, motility, and morphology or shapes of the sperm
-Male partner has difficulty ejaculating
-The male partner has frozen sperm obtained prior to surgery or treatment for diseases like testicular cancer
-Cervical factor infertility.: Mucus produced by the cervix around the time of ovulation provides an ideal environment for sperm to travel from your vagina to the fallopian tubes. But, if your cervical mucus is too thick, it may impede the sperm’s journey. The cervix itself may also prevent sperm from reaching the egg. Scarring, such as that caused by a biopsy or other procedures, can cause the cervix to thicken. IUI bypasses your cervix, depositing sperm directly into your uterus and increasing the number of sperm available to meet the awaiting egg.
IUI is often considered as the first line of treatment for unexplained infertility, mild endometriosis, or mild male factor infertility

What are the steps?

# preparation before IUI

1-induction of ovulation and monitoring follicular growth:
Monitoring the growth of follicles using transvaginal ultrasound until follicles reach the optimum size, triggering of the follicles using HCG injection then IUI is done 36 hours later
2-Preparing the semen sample. Your partner provides a semen sample at the doctor’s office, or a vial of frozen donor sperm can be thawed and prepared. Because nonsperm elements in semen can cause reactions in the woman’s body that interfere with fertilization, the sample will be washed in a way that separates the highly active, normal sperm from lower quality sperm and other elements. The likelihood of achieving pregnancy increases by using a small, highly concentrated sample of healthy sperm.
The visit for intrauterine insemination takes about 15 to 20 minutes and is usually done in a doctor’s office or clinic. The IUI procedure itself takes just a minute or two and requires no medications or pain relievers. Your doctor or a specially trained nurse performs the procedure

# Steps of the procedure
On lithotomy position, a speculum will be inserted into your vagina
The doctor or the nurse Attaches a vial containing a sample of healthy sperm to the end of a long, thin, flexible tube (catheter)
Inserts the catheter into the vagina, through the cervical opening and into the uterus
Pushes the sperm sample through the tube into the uterus
Removes the catheter, followed by the speculum

Once the procedure is over, you can get dressed and go about your normal daily activities.