Think twice before doing open surgery or laparoscopic drilling for chocolate cysts

Years ago, she was diagnosed with endometriosis” parts of layer lining of the cavity of the womb found outside it and bleed every month at the time of period causing pain, adhesion and ovarian cyst formation”. Unfortunately, she had a chocolate cyst on one of the ovaries as well. She did everything in her power to overcome her illness. Her first attempt was a laparoscopy in which the cyst wasn’t removed, but only drilled

And that’s it! Everything after that is just a complication of this faulty practice. We have been saying this for quite a long time now: “chocolate cyst has to be removed entirely”. You have to take the whole thing out from its roots. The walls of the cyst have to come off otherwise it will form again. Drilling of the cyst can result in massive pelvic adhesion. And unfortunately, that was exactly the case. And if that wasn’t enough, get this; after a while her doctors noticed mass inside the womb. The womb then became enlarged, and it looked like it had a tumor inside. The decision was open surgery. This surgery was done in one of the biggest university hospitals in Upper Egypt, but they came out with a conclusion. “We can’t do any-thing because if we try to remove this mass the womb will be removed”. Can you imagine what she felt back then? A young lady who never had kids before, her only option was to give up her dream

Over the time, her condition got worse. The adhesion extended to involve her colon, bladder and ureters. She suffered from severe pain and bleeding for quite a long time, but she didn’t give up. She tried IVF technology. But with such extensive adhesion, her AMH value kept dropping, and that mass in the womb had to be removed first. Another surgery, same outcome. “We couldn’t take out that mass, and there is nothing else we can do”. It’s really important to point out that with every surgical procedure, the adhesion increase, making it harder and harder for the next intervention. Her pain and bleeding kept getting worse. No amount of pain killers could help her

With only God’s help, we fought this battle for her. God knows she has been through a lot. But her patience was rewarded. And after more than 8 hours in surgery, we did it. The adhesion were gone, the womb was finally free from this mass which was diagnosed as adenomyosis, and all the chocolate cysts were removed once and for all. Thanks to the hard work of all my team, we didn’t encounter any of the possible risks during the surgery. No colostomy” converting of the normal track of intestine to collect the stool in a bag fixed at the abdominal wall due to injury of the colon” was done. You can imagine how exhausting the whole team was after a surgery of this type. But it was totally worth it. I can’t describe the joy and happiness she felt after that

All rights reserved. @ Dr.Wael El Banna

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