Mood If you experience any of the following mood changes, do not feel ashamed of how you are feeling. You are not alone: asking for and accepting help is the first stage of recovery – particularly for the more serious conditions. If you think you are in any way depressed, talk to a healthcare profes
Bleeding from the vaginal at any time in pregnancy can be a dangerous sign. Some causes of vaginal bleeding are more serious than others, so it’s important to find the cause straight away. Bleeding after sex The cells on the surface of the cervix often change in pregnancy and make it more likely to
Placenta praevia (or a low-lying placenta) is when the placenta is attached in the lower part of the uterus, near to or covering the cervix. The position of your placenta is recorded at your 18 to 21-week ultrasound scan. If it is significantly low you will be offered an extra ultrasound scan later
During pregnancy your blood pressure will be checked at every antenatal appointment. This is because a rise in blood pressure can be the first sign of a condition known as pre-eclampsia – also called pregnancy-induced hypertension (PIH) or pre-eclamptic toxaemia (PET). It can run in families and aff
Some pregnant women find they get a lot of headaches. How to ease headaches Try and get more regular rest and relaxation. Paracetamol in the recommended dose is generally considered safe for pregnant women but there are some painkillers that you should avoid. Speak to your pharmacist, nurse, midwife