Vaginal bleeding

Bleeding from the vaginal at any time in pregnancy can be a dangerous sign. Some causes of vaginal bleeding are more serious than others, so it’s important to find the cause straight away.
Bleeding after sex
The cells on the surface of the cervix often change in pregnancy and make it more likely to bleed – particularly after sex. This is called a cervical ectropion. Vaginal infections can also cause a small amount of vaginal bleeding.
Ectopic pregnancy
In early pregnancy, bleeding may be a sign of an ectopic pregnancy or a miscarriage , although many women who bleed at this time go on to have normal and successful pregnancies.
Bleeding in late pregnancy
The most common sort of bleeding in late pregnancy is the small amount of blood mixed with mucus that is known as a ‘show’. This is a sign that the cervix is changing and becoming ready for labour to start. It may happen a few days before contractions start or during labour itself.
Help and support
Always contact your midwife or doctor immediately if you have vaginal bleeding at any stage of pregnancy

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