what is hydrosalpinx

what is hydrosalpinx?

Damage and blockage of the end portion of a fallopian tube can cause it to become filled with fluid; the swollen and fluid-filled tube is called a hydrosalpinx.
A normal pregnancy in the uterus may not occur because the tube may be severely damaged and blocked and not work properly.
A pregnancy may develop in the tube (ectopic pregnancy) which can be life-threatening.
In addition, as the tube is blocked, secretions that collect in the tube may backflow into the uterus and prevent a pregnancy from implanting into the uterus.
What causes a hydrosalpinx?
Hydrosalpinx can be caused by an old infection in the fallopian tubes, sometimes a sexually transmitted infection. Other causes include previous surgery (particularly surgeries on the tube), severe adhesions of your pelvis, endometriosis, or other sources of infection such as appendicitis.

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