To keep her virginity asked to open her tummy instead of minimal invasive surgery from below

A young virgin lady, suffered from chronic pain since her puberty. There were conflicting views between doctors as she was diagnosed with a uterine fibroid with some type of degeneration and others diagnosed her with a uterine septum. This septum was splitting the uterine cavity into two; one of them was connected to the cervix, but the other wasn’t. A lot of blood was accumulating in this non-connected cavity since the puberty

And after a while, it started to leak its contents through the fallopian tube to the pelvic cavity, causing extensive pelvic adhesions and fibrosis, alongside with ovarian chocolate cyst as well. Of course at this point I can’t describe the chronic constant pain she had all this time. What made it even worse was the disagreement from her parents over the suggested treatment plan

The best plan of treatment was by hysteroscopic intervention “Thin telescope enters the uterus from the vagina and start to remove the septum without any need to do open surgery to remove it”. But due to the young age of the patient and She is still virgin and not married yet the decision of hymen opening to do hysteroscopy wasn’t welcomed by the family . But still we did our best. And with only God’s help we were able to remove this uterine septum by open surgery, and evacuate the bloody contents from the inside of it. All the cysts were removed completely

The patient recovered well, and got back to her normal life in no time

All rights reserved. @ Dr.Wael El Banna

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