Asherman Syndrome

Asherman Syndrome

Asherman syndrome means that scar tissue is present inside the uterus (womb) or cervix.

Although this scar tissue does not interfere with your health, it can prevent you from getting pregnant or, in rare cases, may affect development of a baby during pregnancy.

It is more likely to occur if you have had a number of surgeries where the uterus needed to be emptied more than once, after a miscarriage or retained placenta. Fortunately, Asherman syndrome is rare.

Many women will not notice anything at all, especially if you have reached menopause. The most common problem you may notice is a change to your menstrual cycle – lighter periods, or none at all. If you are still having your period, you might experience an increase in period pain.

The amount of scarring does not have a direct impact on your periods. Some women with minimal scarring may have no 
periods, others with significant scarring experience near-normal menstruation.The change may be so minimal that it cannot be noticed.

If scarring occurs at the time of a term birth, the women will not notice lighter menstruation until she weans the baby and her normal menstrual cycle returns.

To be continued…..


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