We know that infertility can cause stress that leads to anxiety and depression. We also know that stress can make conception more difficult for men and women. While the exact mechanism of how this works is not totally understood, it is clear that there is a relationship between them. A lot of stress reduction techniques when employed on a regular basis can improve conception rates.The following tools have been demonstrated stress reducer’s:
– Aerobic exercise
– Walking
– Yoga and relaxation training all have an ability to improve not only physical health but psychological well-being as well.
– Activities that help produce relaxed states such as guided imagery journaling and mind-body groups.
– Self-help books, support groups aimed specifically at fertility treatment patients and psychotherapy can all improve psychological well-being, thereby reducing stress.
– support network of friends and family can be important. At the same time these people may not know the best way to be supportive. In fact, their attempts to support you may be stress inducing. As telling a loved one to “be less stressed” may make them feel as though they are causing their own infertility.So Sometimes friends and family need to be educated.
For many people having an accepting listener is greatly appreciated and helps reduce stress. For these people knowing that the best time to offer advice is when it is requested can be extremely helpful.

All rights reserved. @ Dr.Wael El Banna

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