Heavy Menstrual Bleeding

Heavy Menstrual Bleeding

It’s excessive menstrual blood loss that interfere with the physical emotional, social and material quality of life. Monthly periods are an individual experience and women who have always had heavy periods will consider this normal. However if you believe that your periods are either unusually heavy, prolonged or both

There are other symptoms you may have if you suffer from heavy menstrual bleeding

 losing more than 80 mls of blood about 5 – 6 tablespoons of blood
passing clots that are larger than a 50 cent coin
bleeding so much that you have to change your pad/tampon every hour
Having to get up most nights to change your pad/tampon
Having to put a towel in your bed or use large maternity pads when you sleep
Bleeding through clothing
Have bleeding that lasts more than eight days

This bleeding can result in a drop of iron levels and red blood cells so may feel tired more easily, feel weak or dizzy, or be short of breath and have chest pains

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