After laparoscopic removal of 10 cm fibroid, She get normal pregnancy

Let’s tell the story…

A 10 cm fibroid with 9 years of infertility, that’s her complaint.

Many doctors advised against removing the fibroid. Tumors this size can easily make the patient bleed out, or force the doctor to take the whole womb out. And during her repeated consults, she kept hearing the same opinion; “you should try assisted technology (ICSI)”.

Her first ICSI attempt wasn’t a success. Which is honestly no surprise, the woman has a 10 cm fibroid originating from her womb! She didn’t give up. Another two attempts for ICSI, same advice regarding the tumor, same outcome.

Her doctors started discussing removing the tumor by open surgery. She didn’t believe that this was her only option, so she came to our clinic.

As we said before, open surgery can cause a lot of adhesions and fibrosis in the pelvis. And fibroids can be removed by laparoscopy with no need for open conventional surgery. And that was my answer.

7 months later, she had some good news to tell us! She got pregnant.

Her doctors didn’t believe that this lady had a surgery done before! They were even considering vaginal birth, which I was completely against. She told her obstetrician about the surgery she had, and my recommendation about the method of birth. And today we got to the last chapter of her story; a lovely long-awaited little boy.

Key points:

  • As a doctor, there is absolutely nothing to wait for to remove any fibroids, after repeated ICSI failure.

  • Laparoscopic removal of fibroids can actually increase the chances of normal pregnancy with no assisted technology.

  • And finally, for all the women out there, don’t wait too long to take out any fibroids you might have. These things can turn into a disaster with enormous size! And the later you address this condition, the more likely your doctor will suggest removing the whole womb out.

All rights reserved. @ Dr.Wael El Banna

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